The Technology

Atmospherica uses a biotechnology-based solution for scalable carbon dioxide removal. We grow photosynthetic, shell-forming micro-algae in a protected environment, where the calcium carbonate produced can be continuously harvested and removed from the ecosystem. We utilize our patented, low-cost photo-bioreactor system which has an excellent track record in growing photosynthetic algae. We couple the photo-bioreactor with a particle filtration system to provide a novel, integrated carbon dioxide extraction facility. As the system is based on photosynthetic, naturally occurring micro-algae and a low fabrication- and operational cost photo-bioreactor system, it is an intrinsically scalable solution for high-volume carbon dioxide extraction.

In addition to its scalability, a major advantage of Atmospherica’s technology is that its final product is calcium carbonate, which provides a highly stable reservoir for CO2: Naturally-formed calcium carbonate deposits are known to be stable for tens of millions of years.